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步驟 1

選擇一張圖片 📷


圖片格式可以為 PNG 或 JPG。支援所有尺寸的圖片。

步驟 2

讓魔法變更背景 ✨


按一下「在 PhotoRoom 中編輯」可探索更多編輯選項,例如選擇另一種背景色彩,或是選擇透明背景。

步驟 3

下載您的圖片 😎

將有白色背景的圖片下載為 PNG 檔。

您還能建立 PhotoRoom 帳號以儲存作品,並享受更多照片編輯選項。


白色背景的效果很棒,因為它提供了乾淨、極簡風又多用途的背板,讓主體更加顯眼之外,更與各種設計內容完美搭配。有了 PhotoRoom,您可以加上攝影棚等級的光影效果、變更背景為圖片加上文字,或者為主體新增逼真的陰影


產品圖片在淺色背景下看起來更專業。為您的產品照片加上純白背景來增加網路銷售量,不需要使用真正的白色背板。我們也提供適合 B2B 客戶的 API 解決方案

大家都愛 PhotoRoom

    Affordable and efficient

    PhotoRoom has turned my one-bedroom apartment into a professional photo studio. Rather than spending hours or thousands of dollars editing photos, PhotoRoom allows me to create pro photos in seconds, so not only does it make my photos look great, but it’s affordable & efficient.

    Sebastian Pilch
    Sebastian Pilch

    Reseller on eBay

    Suitable photos for my website

    I love being able to remove backgrounds from my pictures. I sell online, and when I take pictures, it's not always in a clean, uncluttered environment. I like how PhotoRoom gets rid of all of that and allows me to change the background to something more pleasing to the eye and suitable to place on my website.

    Sue Darte
    Sue Darte

    Small business owner

    A total game changer!

    I have been using PhotoRoom for almost 2 years now, mainly for Instagram. PhotoRoom is so user-friendly and makes my work complete. The PhotoRoom group on Facebook is super, with lots of tips and tricks and good communication with PhotoRoom if there is a problem.

    Jacob P.
    Jacob P.

    Content Creator

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進一步使用 PhotoRoom

想解鎖更多功能,讓照片更加出眾嗎?只要有 PhotoRoom Pro,您就能使用批次處理編輯器、高畫質、智慧調整尺寸等實用功能。
在 Apple App Store 上取得 PhotoRoom 應用程式在 Google Play 商店上取得 PhotoRoom 應用程式